About Us
HULJ is Handong Global University's first student-operated law journal platform established and founded by the academic society "Lawyers Without Borders Handong Global University" in February 2024. The project was initiated under the full-funding of our executive members and alumni.
Our journey
August 2022: First proposal to the School of Law
January 2023: Consultation
March 2024: Second Proposal
June 2024: Funding received
August 2024: First HULJ Founding Members
December 2024: Approval to establish the Platform
January 2024: Preparation for the launching
February: HULJ Platform Launched
March: Six Academic Societies Partnered with HULJ
The Editorial Board
Ariel Judarta
Chief Editor(s)
Associate Editor(s)
Board Editor(s)
Ariel Judarta
Lawyers Without Borders HGU